“Free Money,” is documentary that premiered at this year’s Toronto Film Festival that explores the impact of universal basic income(UBI) in the Kenyan village of Kogutu. The documentary serves as a captivating case study, shedding light on the revolutionary concept of Universal Basic Impact amid global political debates and ongoing trials. Filmmakers Lauren DeFilippo and Sam Soko sought Saint-Urbain’s help to develop a poster and key art for their film.
For this poster, we decided to hone in on a poignant character from“Free Money” stationed at a call center desk, facing away from the viewer. This deliberate choice symbolizes the audience’s role as voyeurs, peering into the lives of those engaged in the UBI experiment. The poster’s bold font and vibrant colors draw inspiration from the rich hues of Africa, adding a layer of cultural resonance to the design. Additionally, the incorporation of digital code into the imagery speaks directly to the film’s exploration of electronic money exchange, providing a subtle yet impactful visual cue, hence crafting a poster that not only mirrors the film’s emotional depth but also invites the audience to contemplate the complexities of the UBI narrative through a thoughtfully designed lens.